Thursday, 1 April 2010

An opportunity

I think I got the shock of my life when I received a call earlier this evening from Relentless Entertainment. They called to informed that my crew had passed the preliminary round and we are summon for a competition this Saturday night. Yes that's only two days away.

Last week I have submitted a video of my crew dancing to the song All 4 One, originally performed by Last 4 One crew of Korea, to Who's Got Talent season 2 competition. We were only trying out. I have been going through a lot posting up the video, editing the video which caused a great deal with our manager. Apparently she was not happy with how I edited the video. Okay maybe it was my fault, but she doesn't have to get so angry and talked bullshit. She can ask me politely to edit it again and for sure I'll edit it again. Instead when she talked like that.. I feel offended, so I go offline from MSN (from where we usually talk things about), go to my workstation and edit the video again.

Having the trouble to upload it online and slept at 4AM.. I was expecting a "Thank you".. but that didn't happened.

Now new problem arises. Who would compete for that day? What routine and what song should we use? Would she allow the girls to compete this time? In the video there were only 5 B-boys, but they need a new routine and we only practiced for another routine. However, it is a couple routine, focusing mainly on contemporary and lyrical hip hop. we have no other choice but to use only two of the original member for the video, Ruffy (choreographer) and my boyfriend, Fawzul. Alongside with that their partner would be our other choreographer (Kinah) and me. So the four of us will sharpen and perfect the new routine in just a day and a half and then compete on saturday.

I am positively sure that our manager would went berserk if she heard about this... but I don't care. The four of us are the original member of the crew, and she only joined in last year in May. Young Energetic Amigos crew was officially established in February 2009.

Great news is our director is really supportive =D She is actually the founder of this crew, alongside with Kinah and Pie.

So.. I hope we'll be able to give our best shot for the competition. After that has been set.. I forgot about what we should wear for the competition.. "-__-

Everything had been so last minute..

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